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PSAC North Regional Council

Our structure

The PSAC North Regional Council is our highest decision-making body that brings together duly elected or appointed representatives from all three territories.

The Regional Executive Vice-President (REVP North) chairs the Regional Council and is the political voice for the PSAC in the Yukon, NWT and Nunavut.

PSAC North is also composed of (3) Area Councils, one for each territory and (3) Territorial Directors.

Committees are also an important part of our structure. There are 8 committees in each territory:  Indigenous Peoples, Access, Pride, Women's, Racially Visible, Health & Safety, Youth and the Regional Alliance Facilitators Network.

The North Regional Council is composed of the chairs of each committee in the North. All positions on the North Regional Council are elected from among the membership. The Regional Executive Vice President is a full-time paid position. All other members of the council work in jobs represented by the union and serve the union as volunteers. In addition to chairing the North Regional Council, the REVP represents the North on the Alliance Executive Committee, the body that runs the union nationally.

The Regional Councils meets at least three times a year to strategize on issues that affect PSAC members in the North.

PSAC North's Regional Council's role, as defined in the PSAC North By-Laws, is to:

  • Manage the business of PSAC North between its Triennial Conventions; and
  • Establish regulations to guide the operations of PSAC North.

Read the Bylaws in this section of the website that govern Regional Council.

PSAC North Regional Committees help to guide our union and protect the interests of our members. Many of today’s leaders developed their skills, abilities and talents on a committee. They not only educated themselves but became an invaluable resource to local members, components and PSAC National.

If you are passionate about one (or more!) of the issues that our regional committees focus on, you will find a warm welcome awaits you. Activists are the heart of our union – of any union – and your involvement will help ensure that our union and the labour movement continue to thrive.

Contact your PSAC Regional Office and let them know that you want to get involved.

Mission, Vision and Values Statements 

PSAC North Regional Council Meeting Minutes 2021 

PSAC North Regional Council Meeting Minutes 2020

PSAC North Regional Council Meeting Minutes 2019

PSAC North Regional Council Meeting Minutes 2018

PSAC North Regional Council Summary Report 2019 

PSAC North Regional Council Summary Report 2018



Jack Bourassa – Regional Executive Vice-President

Elwood Chan – Alternate Executive Vice-President

Steve Geick
Yukon Employees Union

Todd Parsons
Union of Northern Workers

Bill Fennell
Nunavut Employees Union


YT Territorial Director


NWT Territorial Director

Geoff Ryan

NU Territorial Director

Paige Galette 

YT Area Council


NWT Area Council

Lisa Kirk

NU Area Council

Brenda Weaver

 YT Regional Indigenous

  Peoples’ Committee

Holly Ferris 

NWT Regional Indigenous 

Peoples’ Committee


 NU Regional Indigenous

 Peoples’ Committee

Gerard Tremblay

YT Regional Access


*Bruce Gudeit

NWT Regional Access



NU Regional Access


Roberta Wurtak

YT Regional Pride



NWT Regional Pride


Nuka Fennell

NU Regional Pride

Teresa Acheson 

Whitehorse Regional

Women’s Committee

*Geraldine Penney

NWT Regional

Women’s Committee

Susan Avery 

NU Regional

Women’s Committee

*Derek Yap

YT Racially Visible


Hoa Do

NWT Racially Visible



NU Racially Visible


Richard Wagner

YT Regional Health

and Safety Committee

Reyhan Sarikaya 

NWT Regional Health

and Safety Committee

Derek Allerton

NU Regional Health

and Safety Committee

Krisandra Reid

YT Regional Young 

Workers Committee


NT Regional Young

Workers Committee

Joey J O'Brien

NU Regional Young

Workers Committee


YT Alliance Facilitator Network


NWT Alliance Facilitator Network


NU Alliance Facilitator Network



* NHRC reps

To view and download our brochure, click here


October 18, 2019 - 12:09pm •
Each year on October 4th communities across Canada come together to honour the lives of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls.  PSAC North Yukon Regional Indigenous Peoples Committee and Whitehorse Regional Women's Committee sponsored the Sisters in Spirit in Whitehorse event by providing refreshments to participants. The event and vigil was organized by Yukon Aboriginal Women's Council on October 4th, 2019. 
October 17, 2019 - 4:38pm •
PSAC North NWT Regional Indigenous Peoples Committee and Women's Committee partnered to sponsor the Sisters in Spirit luncheon on October 11.The luncheon was organized by the Native’s Women’s Association of the Northwest Territories.
October 10, 2019 - 12:01pm •
Members of PSAC North Regional Council met in Iqaluit. The three day meeting included important discussions about campaigns and upcoming regional convention, strategy sessions, website and media orientation, and a presentation by guest speakers including Anne Tennier, President of the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety.  Mumilaaq Qaqqaq took us through a journey in history with her presentation about Inuit history and life before and after colonization.
June 20, 2019 - 2:24pm •
Northwest Territories Regional Indigenous Peoples’ Committee donated $1000 to the North Slave Métis Alliance for June 21st Fish Fry at Somba K’e Civic Plaza. PSAC North and the committee looks forward to the celebrations. Wherever you are, find out where the day is being celebrated, participate and volunteer. 
March 22, 2019 - 9:56am •
PSAC North Yukon Regional Women's Committee gathered items to provide 25 starter baskets to the Yukon Women's Transition Homes. Each basket was filled with the basics to start a new home such as dishes, detergent, paper products, utensils, kitchen supplies including a pot, fry pan, measuring cups, oven mitts and dish towels. Items were sponsored by Canadian Tire and the Great Canadian Dollar Store. PaintMate Decorating Services assisted with pick up of the items. 
March 8, 2019 - 12:58pm •
The PSAC North NWT Regional Women’s Committee is celebrating International Women’s Day by delivering bags with personal care items to women and youth shelters in Yellowknife. The committee is sending out bags to other communities: Hay River, Fort Smith, Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk. NWT Women’s Committee thanks all members, volunteers and sponsors.  Sponsors: 
March 4, 2019 - 4:21pm •
Are you trying to find out alternatives to toxic cleansers? We've done that for you! With simple ingredients you can create your non-toxic cleansers at home. Click here to find out how. 
February 27, 2019 - 6:21pm •
Students, wearing pink t-shirts, gathered at the Great Hall of the Legislative Assembly in Yellowknife on February 27 to participate in National Anti-Bullying Day, known as Pink Shirt Day. In addition to Yellowknife, students from Behchoko and N’Dilo also participated in Pink Shirt Day events. Jack Bourassa, Regional Executive Vice President for PSAC North and Hon. Caroline Cochrane, Minister of Education, Culture and Employment shared their insights with participants and guests. Students presented and shared their vision on how to eliminate bullying.
January 24, 2019 - 4:16pm •
By Dianne Williams, Chair of Yukon Regional Health and Safety Committee    One may question what domestic violence has to do with the workplace and it doesn’t take much to understand the overlap. The pan-Canadian survey conducted in 2014 called, “Can Work Be Safe, When Home Isn’t”, look at the links between personal life and work life and the results are surprising.


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