PSAC North Regional Council

Women's Committee 


Calling all PSAC North women in the North . . .

If you want to tackle issues affecting women and work for positive change, we’re your committee.

Add your voice and ideas and help make change for women in and out of the workplace.

You don’t have to be in Yellowknife to join. Our conference call meetings can easily accommodate you – no matter where you live. 

Let’s organize events and initiatives to ensure an end to violence against women, access to public not-for-profit child care, strong public services, pay equity, an end to poverty, job security and equality in everything. 

Our Mandate

The objectives of the PSAC North Regional Women’s Committee are to identify, promote and assist union actions by

  • Educating, politicizing and mobilizing women by making links between themselves, the union, the workplace, the community and equality rights

  • We do this by empowering, uniting and engaging all women to take action and move the Womens’ Rights agenda forward.

Stay connected to the issues . . . and the solutions

  • We participate in conferences, educational and training programs on Women’s issues

  • Ensure and promote representation of Women members, their issues and equality goals in the various union bodies, programs and social justice groups

  • Sit on the National Human Rights Committee and other PSAC National and Regional bodies . . . and much more.

You can also view Terms of Reference for Regional Women's Committees in Nunavut, Yukon and the NWT

Click here to view and dowload PSAC Regional Women’s Committee Handbook.

Regional Women's Committees Brochures: 


Northwest Territories 


March 7, 2016 - 9:24am •
On International Women’s Day 2018, the PSAC invites its members to celebrate our many victories and efforts in fighting for equality for all women.
October 8, 2015 - 1:05pm •
A coalition of several women’s advocacy groups signed a new safety protocol with the RCMP - Together for Safety in Whitehorse May 29th. PSAC member Linda Moen was invited to represent the YT Regional Women’s and Aboriginal People’s committees in the newly formed coalition.
September 22, 2015 - 9:48am •
Alternatives North and the Council of Canadians NWT Chapter staged the “We Can Do Better”  planning session September 19 in Yellowknife to  work toward  an NWT common front movement to promote social justice and plan actions to encourage northerners to vote.  
December 11, 2014 - 2:06pm •
February 12, 2014 - 4:05pm •
Check out these strategies to get your leadership campaign started and motivate members to join in rallies and protests.
February 12, 2014 - 3:29pm •
Take a look back at the 2013 National Women's Conference.
February 12, 2014 - 2:34pm •
The Conservative government’s policies are threatening our human rights, our jobs and our security. Women are hit particularly hard by this slash-and-burn mentality and it will get worse in the years to come. But PSAC women are fighting back! 
February 12, 2014 - 2:31pm •
The PSAC's history of women's battle for equality from the early 1970s to today. Read the full history here.
February 5, 2014 - 9:59am •
What Affects Feminism Affects Us All: Northern Women’s Conference Women from across the North banded together to empower women to take action in their own communities. Members are lobbying for women’s shelters in all Northern communities, lobbying to protect the pay of pregnant or nursing women and to defend the rights of temporary workers.To sign up for the next seminar or to find out more details, visit our PSAC North website.


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