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PSAC North is proud to offer members a union education program that ranks among the best and most comprehensive in Canada.

We provide members with learning opportunities to develop knowledge, skills, and personal confidence. Union education encourages participation and promotes mutual respect and understanding between members and the union leadership. A trained membership is an active membership and active members build a strong union.

For a complete listing of all courses being offered throughout the North, please visit the Course Listings Page.

Please select your region below to download a course registration form: 

Northwest Territories 

Nunavut  -  English

Yukon Territory




December 8, 2010 - 4:26pm •
Read the Mission Statement from the National Board of Directors attached in French and English. Also see our Organizational Chart attached. SERVING A DIVERSE MEMBERSHIP IN A VAST REGION Welcome! PSAC North is Canada’s largest union North of 60, representing more than 13,000 members in the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut. We span a landmass equal to all western provinces put together, plus Ontario. Our members live in larger urban centers as well as small, isolated communities without road access. Our headquarters is in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, with regional offices in Whitehorse and Iqaluit. Our members work for a variety of employers, including federal, territorial and municipal governments, non-profit organizations and the private sector. We support members to achieve better pay, safe working conditions, employment security, fair treatment and respect in the workplace. Most northern members belong to the one of three northern components of the PSAC: the Nunavut Employees Union, the Yukon Employees Union or the Union of Northern Workers. These three organizations are unique within the PSAC family because they are regionally based. Many other northern members, notably those who work for the federal government, belong to PSAC components that are based outside the North, most often in Ottawa.


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Contact Information

Nunavut Contact

Iqaluit Regional Office

8 Storey Building 505-B Astro Hill Centre, Office Suite # 120 - Boardroom Suite # 118, PO Box 4014, Iqaluit NU, X0A 0H0
Tel (867) 979-7430
Toll-free at 1-866-268-7097
Fax:(867) 979-5517

Office Hours: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday

Brenda Shaimaiyuk, Administrative Assistant, shaimab@psac.com