Regional Executive Vice President

Jack Bourassa is a lifelong union and human rights activist who is dedicated to making a difference for the better.

He has nearly 40 years of experience with unions and has brought that wealth of experience with him to the position of Regional Executive Vice-President for the North.

Jack was first elected at the PSAC North 6th Regional Triennial Convention in Whitehorse, held June 6-8, 2014.

He was re-elected at the 7th Regional Triennial Convention in Yellowknife June 17-18, 2017.

Jack has been an active PSAC member since 1999, and also served on the YEU Executive Committee.

Jack’s focus for the next cycle is to build on the progress PSAC North has made to reshape the union’s public image, recruit new allies across a variety of spectrums across the North and the nation, as well as continuing to engage and empower young workers to get involved and make a difference in their communities.

The key pillars of his strategy for the future include:

Youth Recruitment
To allow youth to do what they do best on their own – by engaging them, empowering them, and unleashing them on the issues that truly affect them.

Community Involvement
Every union member is a part of their community – that's why the PSAC needs to form new partnerships and alliances with all groups, inclusing First Nations, Filipino groups and grassroots movements that require our support.

To bring each of the territories together, the PSAC needs to reach out to communities both small and large and facilitate face-to-face meetings with the REVP. Jack is also pushing for a stronger emphasis on collaborating on important issues and discussing decisions with members before they happen.

Jack's door is always open - it's only by working together that change can take place.

Calendar of events
To build stronger communities and connect with members from all across the North, Jack is committed to making meaningful visits to towns, cities and hamlets all across the vast Northern expanse. Whether it's to attend as a guest speaker, simply get to know the issues that are important to members, or to attend Regional Committeees Annual General Meetings, Jack is eager to take part. If you'd like to have Jack visit your region, we've supplied a calendar of his schedule that will help inform members where the REVP will be throughout the year.

Alternate REVP North – Elwood Chan

Elwood Chan was elected as Alternate REVP North at the PSAC North 7th Regional Triennial Convention in Yellowknife June 17-18, 2017.

Elwood Chan has been a proud executive member of his Local for the past five years and served as chair of the NWT Pride Committee. He also served on Area Council, and the Racially Visible and Youth Committees. He also served as the PSAC National Young Worker Representative for the North for two years.

Elwood moved to Yellowknife in May 2011 from his hometown of Guelph, Ontario. Elwood works as a Medical Laboratory Technologist at the Stanton Territorial Hospital in Yellowknife.

Meet the PSAC Elected Officers

Along with dedicated staff throughout Canada, the PSAC's Alliance Executive Committee works tirelessly to improve the working conditions and quality of life of its more than 200,000 members. 


By Jack Bourassa   

  By Jack Bourassa   Red roses, thoughtful presents and beautiful words— that’s Valentine’s Day. It’s a day to celebrate love.

Contact Information

Regional Executive Vice President Contact

4910-53rd Street
Suite # 201 A
Yellowknife, NT X1A 1V2

Regional Executive Vice President for the North
Jack Bourassa

Office: 867-669-0991
Cell: 867-444-0846
Fax: 867-669-0379

Assistant to the REVP 
Theresa Baird
Office: 867-669-0991 Ext.1014
Office Hours:  Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Regional Political Communications Officer for the North
Yusur Al-Bahrani
Office: 867-669-0991 Ext. 1015
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.