Convention Procedures - Whitehorse

2285 2nd Ave YEU/PSAC Union Hall - Lucy Jackson Training Room
9:00 am to 5:00 pm

This one-day workshop will introduce activists to the purpose and mechanics of a union convention.  The why, what and how of conventions, as follows:

 ► convention procedures

 ►writing resolutions and speaking to them

 ► rules of order

 ► and a mock convention

….will have you ready and confident for upcoming union conventions!!!

Registration can be completed in 3 ways:

- Online, as above
- Calling Shawna at 867-667-2331 or 1-888-938-2331
- Emailing Shawna at

Inquires into loss of salary reimbursement, travel expenses and/or family care, etc, can be made to Shawna at above contact points.

Sign-up Deadline: 
Wednesday, April 30, 2014